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in "Taxon", "Plant Biology", "Plant Systematics and Evolution", "Forensic Odontology and Anthropology", "Analytical Biochemistry"


Hessian State Museum for Art and Nature, Wiesbaden, Natural History Collections

- museum signage for the exhibition entitled "Der Hase ist des Jägers Tod - Kultur und Natur im südlichen Afrika" [The Hare is the Death of the Hunter - Culture and Nature of Southern Africa] into English in collaboration with Christiane Wellié-Reeve and Kathryn B. Johnson 2024

- museum signage for the study exhibition entitled "Leben aus Lehm" [Life from Loam] into English in collaboration with Christiane Wellié-Reeve and Kathryn B. Johnson 2023

- museum signage for the study exhibition entitled "Doch die Käfer - Kritze, kratze" [Scritch, scratch - Come the beetles] into English in collaboration with Christiane Wellié-Reeve 2022

- museum signage for the study exhibition entitled "Deutschlands Panda - der Gartenschläfer" [Germany´s Panda - the Garden Dormouse] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2021

- museum signage for the exhibition entitled "Kristalle - Vom Diamant bis zum Gips" [Crystals - From Diamond to Gypsum] into English in collaboration with Jessie Kahn-Duve 2021 (©KahnText )

- museum signage for the study exhibition entitled "Das Natternkind des Asklepios" [The Adder-Child of Asclepius] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2020

- museum signage for the special exhibition entitled "Schmetterlingen auf der Spur" [Butterfly Expedition] in into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson and Jessie Kahn-Duve 2020

- museum signage for the chamber exhibition entitled "Auf Staatsbesuch im Insektenreich" [On a State Visit to the Insect Kingdom] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2019

- museum signage for the chamber exhibition entitled "Orchideen" [Orchids] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson and Christiane Wellié-Reeve 2018

- museum signage for the chamber exhibition entitled "Pomologie" [Pomology] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2017

- museum signage for the exhibition "Pilze - Nahrung, Gift und Mythen" [Fungi - Food, Poison and Mythology] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson and Christiane Wellié-Reeve 2017

- museum signage for the exhibition "Maria Sibylla Merian" into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2017

- some of the museum signage for the exhibition "Jäger und Sammler" [Hunters and Gatherers] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2015

- catalogue texts for the permanent exhibition "Ästhetik der Natur" [Aesthetics of Nature] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2014

- museum signage for the permanent exhibition "Ästhetik der Natur" [Aesthetics of Nature] into English in collaboration with Kathryn B. Johnson 2013

Federal State of Hesse, represented by the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

- within the framework of the Water CoRe Project on Water Scarcity and Droughts in Europe - translation of the Good Practices Guide into German: Leitfaden der Guten Praxis [watercore.eu] 2013

Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

- Stefan Vogel 1954, Blütenbiologische Typen als Elemente der Sippengliederung, dargestellt anhand der Flora Südafrikas (VEB Gustav Fischer, Jena) into English: Floral-biological Syndromes as Elements of Diversity within Tribes in the Flora of South Africa. Editing of the translation by Kathryn B. Johnson und Steven D. Johnson (Shaker, Herzogenrath) 2012

I am a member of the VBIO (German Life Sciences Association) and the DBG (German Botanical Society)